December 2020

Mick Merrick Partner at Integrated Growth Solutions - iGS. Specialists in R&D Tax Relief has generously agreed to write the following article on our Blog. Driving Vision are always looking for creative ways to save money for our clients. The average claim on R&D tax credit is around £ 50,000!


Before it is built, every building will have evolved through an iterative process in...

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November 2020

2020 has brought a seismic shift in the working environment for the whole construction industry. The prospect of long term remote working has left many companies re-evaluating their working practices and looking to technology to support the changes in their practices.

Other changes that have major impact on the way buildings and infrastructure projects are constructed are taking place at...

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October 2020

ISO 19650 is a series of international standards that define the collaborative processes for the effective management of information. It is closely aligned with the previous BS/PAS 1192 standards, which it replaces, and the UK BIM framework.

Information management can be defined as “a cycle of organisational activity: the acquisition of information from one or more sources, the custodianship...

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September 2020

It can be easy to assume that BIM is only applicable to new build or commercial renovation projects. In fact, one of the key areas that is now coming to prominence is the use of BIM to enhance the restoration and maintenance of historic buildings and environments.

The ownership and management of Britain’s thousands of listed and historic buildings and monuments is spread across a range of...

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August 2020

One area relatively untouched by BIM so far, at least in the UK, is procurement. RIBA has had its product selector platform for many years, and this has now been combined with the NBS BIM Library and the NBS Plus library of manufacturers' product information, into a single portal NBS Source.

In the four years since BIM Level 2 became mandatory on all public projects in this country, the...

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