How does Driving Vision improve your collaboration using BIM processes?

Use the same data

Sharing data with everyone involved maximises collaboration between the team members. Our flexicloud IT solutions allow everyone to access the latest information wherever you are, from any device. On site, in the office or on the go.

Review, approve and implement the design

Now that everyone can access the designs, reviewing and authoring the final designs happens quickly, saving time and money. Getting the construction phase under way on time and on budget with the use of Plannerly

Why is collaboration important?

86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures. Salesforce

How does Driving Vision enhance your collaboration?

Enabling teams to be truly interconnected requires a solid IT infrastructure. Being able to access and amend designs from anywhere and from any device is possible thanks to Driving Vision’s powerful collaborative cloud technology. Our technical support team removes the headache and concerns surrounding server or workstation upgrades, freeing you up to focus on what’s important. Find out more

We enable your teams to track and resolve issues directly from whichever BIM software you use through a simple automated cloud-based tool. By providing accountability and transparency, your team will increase productivity. Find out more

As your BIM coordinator, we become a key member of your project team, helping the participants in the effective resolution of issues that arise. Find out more

Does collaboration relate to BIM?

BIM is a structured, measured and comprehensive approach to team working, BIM’s regular data exchanges ensure that the whole team is working on the same, and most up-to-date, model.

BIM is a collaborative way of working. The digital designs, including product parameters, are shared with all parties to outline the work planned and give everyone the opportunity to fully understand what is proposed and all the requirements, including specifications such as fire and acoustic data. Find out more

Hosting both BIM execution Plan and the BIM Implementation documents in a centrally coordinated Common Data Environment (CDE) means they can be updated, accessed or extracted at any time throughout the project. Adding all other BIM documents, including the 3D drawings, gives all of those involved in the overall project full visibility and input, promoting a collaborative approach throughout.

We Improve the Digital Visualisation of your projects

At the design stage, 3D modelling allows for a real-world conceptualising of the project. From detailed floor plans to its overall energy performance, the whole design can be viewed in Virtual Reality before the construction stage starts. Our proprietary software will help you and your clients discover issues before they become an expensive problem, avoiding significant schedule delays and cost overruns.

Why is visualisation important?

82% of companies implementing AR/VR indicate that benefits exceed expectations Capgemini

Operational benefits of AR and VR include increased efficiency, productivity, and safety. In terms of the scale of implementation, VR statistics show the companies that implement these technologies on a large scale are more likely to experience noticeable operational benefits. This is even more evident in construction, as it gives everyone a better understanding of the design.

How does Driving Vision help you with visualisation?

The immersive technology landscape is advancing at a rapid pace. Ensuring that you have the technology available to keep ahead of creative expectations is challenging. We are constantly scanning the market for the latest technologies’ developments and if we do not find on the market what you need, we develop it for you. Once ready, our team guide, train and support you every step of the way from implementation through the use of the new technology. Find out more

How does visualisation relate to BIM?

In addition to be an intelligent 3D model, BIM can be paired with advanced visualization and planning tools to help your project teams visualize and simulate how to continuously improve the design and delivery process.

Leveraging BIM to visualize the design, work plans and site logistics, allows you to spot issues at an early stage of the design and avoid costly errors later on, enhance your ability to plan for site access and staging/laydown areas, resulting in a leaner and safer jobsite. When integrated with the schedule, BIM enables a 4D sequencing process that can help the team discover potential schedule improvements.

Advanced Visualization tools can enhance your design quality and your planning efforts by using cutting-edge design tools and immersive technologies to review the design and produce process illustrations, construction sequences, high definition renderings and animations, data visualization, and virtual environments.

Visual based tools allow you to communicate the impact of construction on the environment and surroundings to clients and the community.

We streamline the way you work

At the heart of BIM is the idea of a streamlined workflow. Since the process supports the entire building lifecycle, from its inception to its construction all the way to its demolition later down the line, all aspects of a project’s lifecycle can be documented and updated. This means no data is ever lost, providing a clearer, smoother journey to the end of the project. Driving Vision simplifies the difficult and automates the mundane. Find out more

Why are processes important?

Professionals spend 50% of their time searching for information and take an average of 18 minutes to locate each document. Having the right processes in place, together with automation, has the potential to dramatically improve your productivity M-Files

How does Driving Vision help you redesign your processes?

Our business experts will analyse your current operations and will work with you to create a bespoke solution to streamline the way you work. Owners and operators can then fulfil long-term capital goals with Building Information Management (BIM) and lean management principles giving you a real competitive advantage. Find out more

By consolidating your data in a central location and automating data exchanges, your teams will no longer work in silos by using plannerly. Through the use of automation, artificial intelligence and cloud technology, we improve the way you work.

As your BIM coordinator, we become a key member of your project team, helping the participants to establish and manage project workflows.

How do processes relate to BIM?

At the heart of BIM is the idea of a streamlined workflow. Find out more

Sharing data with all parties communicates the planned end result in a clear, concise and fully comprehensible way helping the full project team to understand the requirements and see what they are working towards. The information held within the model can be extracted from within, in the form of Cobie files, which is also essential. Within these, the product manufacturer hosts the correct file extensions and product parameters to allow asset management in future years.

Training and Coaching

The rollout of BIM across the AEC industry is moving rapidly. If you haven’t been keeping up, catching up can seem like a daunting task. Driving Vision can help you make sure your team is up to date with the latest BIM best practices and cutting-edge technology. Find out more

Why is training important?

Companies that invest in employee training enjoy 24% higher profit margin versus companies who don’t Huffington Post

How does Driving Vision help you train your staff?

Making changes to the way you work by introducing new tools and processes might sound like too much disruption to be worthwhile, but it is an essential part of developing a company. Being sure tht everyone on your team is up to date on the latest best practices and technology, means you can count on them to operate at the best.

As your BIM coordinator we provide your team with all the necessary training and coaching to make sure they have the confidence and understanding to elevate their work to another level.

How does training relate to BIM?

BIM involves the whole supply chain so training should be carried out with all project partners including clients and site teams to ensure all parties have a full understanding of how the process is managed through the Common Data Environment (CDE). Find out more

BIM is the future of the AEC industry and is an essential skill to be learned by architects, engineers, consultants and contractors to be BIM certified. Academic courses provides those skills to professional with a guaranteed learning and satisfying experience. Coaching help the professionals to maintain and improve their BIM qualifications.

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