Work flexibly and independently with efficient cloud computing for architecture and construction.

From everywhere.
From any device.

High Performance

Felxicloud PCs offer architects and engineers the optimal computing power for high-performance 3D modelling and architectural visualisation, as well as CAD and BIM software.

Windows on anything

With Flexicloud PCs, you can run a Windows 10 desktop on macOS, android, and iOS devices. You can easily switch between both operating systems and there is no need to pre-install bulky or expensive virtualisation software.

Real-time collaboration

Flexicloud PCs combined with Flexicloud servers enable real-time data transfer for collaboration between offices, home office staff and on site.


Access your work and present it anywhere, on any device and at any time - even in the middle of a construction site.


Because your apps and documents run in the cloud and not on your computer, your data never leaves the secure data centre.


The support team is always available if you need help.

Flexicloud powered by Cloudalize

Cloudalize is cloud computing with the optimal computing power of a virtual PC for your planning, visualisation and administration tasks.

With cloudalize, you can run performance intensive CAD software and rendering programs on a virtual high-performance computer in the cloud. You and your colleagues can work with any device - from anywhere - with all applications and data.

With cloudalize you can run performance-intensive CAD programs and visualisation software with the optimal computing power.

You get the optimal computing power you need to run graphically intensive software for your planning, visualisation and office management. You can access your work anytime and anywhere with all devices, including macOS devices, and exchange data with colleagues in real time.

This way you can concentrate on the coordination of your construction projects and work with your partners and colleagues from different branches or on site without any loss of time. Cloud computing opens up new possibilities for your daily planning tasks. Of course, your data never leaves the optimally secured data centre. And if you need help, we are always at your side.

Book a demo

Book a quick zoom meeting to demonstrate the power and simplicity of cloudalize.

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