BIM – Supporting business agility and scalability

With so many people now working remotely from their colleagues BIM has come into its own as a collaborative tool. The Planning, BIM & Construction Today website reported at the start of May on the fourth edition of ‘Guidance Part 2: Process for Project Delivery’, designed to help practitioners implement BIM to ISO19650 standards.

This is of course very timely. With remote collaboration now the norm rather than exceptional the need for businesses of all sizes and disciplines to embrace BIM has never been more pressing. Business agility refers to the "ability of a business system to rapidly respond to change by adapting its initial stable configuration", and with most design work for new projects continuing at close to normal levels BIM is a tool that enables all project partners to work in a shared space responding to changes in client requirements, planning or design revisions in real time. With many premises unoccupied at present BIM can also be used to respond to changing needs for utilities, what parts of a building can have electricity and water supplies disconnected without compromising the integrity or safety of the structure for instance. What are the critical maintenance and upkeep factors that need to be considered? These and others are all questions that can be answered within a BIM environment without the need to compromise Social Distancing regulations with a physical inspection.

The increased demand for BIM services in the new environment will mean that scalability, the ability to add partners to a project, and add projects to a business portfolio, becomes an increasing issue. Scalability does not necessarily mean larger projects but focuses on implementation of additional resources without sacrificing quality of work and clarity of collaboration. Use of BIM on projects of all sizes needs to be scalable, to have the IT infrastructure in place to respond to the expectations of project leads and to allow for the shared workspace to expand to accommodate all participants and models and visualisations.

Driving Vision’s work connecting BIM partners through reliable IT infrastructure and cloud-based storage has been established for some time and we can support your transition to wider usage of BIM quickly and simply. Working with our proven BIM implementation process will enable you to scale up your use of BIM while maintaining procedural quality. Our market leading digital visualisation tools allows you to see a 3D representation of your design, or you can take a virtual “walk-through” of an existing building to assess the upkeep requirements discussed earlier. Please get in touch to discuss how Driving Vision can help your business respond to the changed workplace environment.

Implementing BIM can be daunting, but Driving Vision is here to help you at the pace you are comfortable with. Get started by getting in touch now

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  • Your staff will be encouraged to work in a consistent, predictable and cohesive way
  • All information is connected a powerful way to manage project data from concept to design, through preconstruction all the way to handover

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