How to maintain an organised and productive workforce when working remotely?

An Interview with JB De Lartigue, CEO of Driving Vision The current crisis has forced most companies to transfer their work force into home and remote working. Whilst some companies where already allowing remote working at least some of the time, this is a new way of working for many. As no one is currently able to put an end date to the situation, we may well find ourselves working remotely for some time in order to stay safe and well as a nation.

We find that though many companies have now managed to set up basic remote working facilities, many are concerned about keeping work organised and productive in this time. Driving Vision was set up as a remote working organisation, we therefore felt that we are able to share our experience with others. We asked our CEO JB De Lartigue, to share some of his insight below.

In your opinion, what are the key challenges employers face when managing a largely remote work force?

In my opinion there are four key challenges to consider:

  • Communication
  • Tracking productivity
  • Employee trust
  • Keep the company culture unified

What are the main areas that need considering in order to get the most out of remote working?

Breaking down the above challenges provides an effective way to manage remote working:

  • Communication is about keeping all your employees informed, there are a few points to remember here:
    • All new procedures and processes need to be well documented in writing and easily accessible
    • The best way to communicate with remote employees is through technology.
  • Tracking productivity, this is a key element to ensuring tasks are completed when working remotely. Individual’s work needs to be tracked using specific tools such as project management software and reviewed regularly.
  • Employee trust, as a manager, the key message is to trust your employees to do their job. However, let them know that you're there to help them solve problems, break up workflow obstacles and give direction as needed.
  • Company culture, a few things to remember here
    • Employees collaborate best when they have personal connections with each other.
    • To maintain connection while working remotely, small teams should have a short daily video conference call to discuss hot topics and unanswered questions.
    • You can also use a messaging system like Slack so people can reach out to discuss specific subjects as and when required.

What is your advice to employees so they can remain effective when working from home?

  • Stick to your routine. Wake up at your normal time, shower, and get dressed in work clothes. Keep a set schedule.
  • Create a workspace. If you don't have a desk, use the dining room table. This helps to maintain a good posture, avoid distractions, and leave your work behind at the end of the day.
  • Get some fresh air. Open your windows to let in as much natural daylight and fresh air as possible and take short walks.
  • Stay connected with your colleagues. Check in regularly just like you would in the office. Create to-do lists to keep organized and focused and share them with your supervisor. Set up regular meetings and catch up sessions using tools such as Zoom, Skype or Teams.

Driving Vision has a specific remote working support package, what does it include?

We offer a number of collaborative tools as part of the package:

  • Our powerful "desktop in the cloud" solution allows our clients to work on a desktop workstation from anywhere using any device. Running Revit, Archicad or anything else from a laptop, tablet, or even a phone makes it possible to keep designing remotely. Everyone can work from the same files, and there is no need for lengthy file transfer times.
  • Plannerly is a cloud-based BIM Management tool for architectural, engineering, construction companies and building owners, designed to simplify BIM planning, execution and monitoring; improve collaboration & communication; maximize efficiency, save time and minimize cost
  • To keep our clients’ workforce productive, we have put together a policy, adaptable to their needs, and help them guide and support their staff remotely. There are several elements that need to be considered to enable staff to work from home. The fully integrated solution we have developed include specifications, and recommendations for tools and the setup of tools processes and policies.
  • We have developed a check list of everything we have considered in our strategy to help firms in AEC achieve their goal of remote working

Implementing BIM can be daunting, but Driving Vision is here to help you at the pace you are comfortable with. Get started by getting in touch now

We focus on the only 3 ways to maximise ROI

You minimise the level of investment required to implement BIM as we share the Research and Development costs with other client

You increase your revenue by staying ahead of the competition as BIM best practices allows you to win bigger and more rewarding projects.

You reduce your costs, more than our fees cost you, by decreasing potential litigations, rework, and errors and omissions

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